Atlanta Mobile Auto Locksmith Service

Locked out of your car? We can have a locksmith to your location in 15 minutes!

Need other locksmith services? Need a car lock rekeyed, a new key made, or any other auto locksmith service? We can help with that, too!

We’re open 24/7/365 to serve you – just call us at (404) 865-1245 and we’ll send a locksmith right away.

Auto LocksmithWe’re ready for any of your auto locksmith needs!

Mobile car locksmith services

We offer a complete auto locksmith services, including:

  • 24/7 lockout service. We know how frustrating it is to be locked out of your car. We can have a locksmith to your location in 15 minutes or less. The locksmith will be able to open your trunk and/or open your car and get you on your way quickly.
  • Rekey auto locks. If you’ve lost your car key, there’s no need to install a completely new lock. Our locksmith can change your existing car lock so that a new key can unlock. Much faster and cheaper than replacing the entire lock.
  • Replacement and repair. If, for some reason, your car lock does need to be replaced or repaired, we can do it quickly and professionally.
  • Key duplication. Need an extra key? We can make keys for most cars, including high security keys and transponder keys.
  • Servicing. We can repair or replace ignitions, V.A.T.S systems, remote access systems, and other auto security products.

We service all car brands!

Need a locksmith that’s fast and professional? Call us today at (404) 865-1245.